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Makhdoom Abdul Rehman Shaheed, Khuhrrha, Khairpur

Makhdoom Abdul Rehman Shaheed was a prominent religio-spiritual figure of Kalhora rule in Sindh, he was a great scholar of the time. He never feared from expree=ssing truth before any person irrespective of his standing in the society.

The atrocities against the Sadats of Rohri Sharif by the Kalhora rulers angered him and he immediately proceeded to Khudabad, where he confronted with Mian Noor Muhaamad Kalhoro, then Kalhora ruler, and snubbed him on the issue of high handedness against the Sadat family of Rohri Sharif. The Kalhora ruler taking it as his insult, decided to eliminate Makhdoom Abdul Rehman and despacthed some army personnel, who rided Khuhrrha Town and got killed as many as 222 worshipers including Makhdoom Abdul Rehman, who were busy in offering prayer in the mosque.

A hearsay about the martyrdom of Makhdoom Abdul Rehman goes that, a majzoob named Amaldas was once seen roaming in the street of Khuhrraha town puffing Hukka. The mureeds of Makhdoom Abdul Rehman repeatedly stopped from doing so and remembered him to observe respect for Ramazan, over which he reportedly turned his deaf ears. When the things went out of hands, the mureeds straight away went to Makhdoom Abdul Rehman and complained about the unwanted activity of Faqeer Amaldas. He ordered his arrest and was produced before him. Makhdoom Sahib announced flogging of the faqeer for 222 times, over which faqeer adamantly announced that upon each flog they will have to lose one individual. He was flogged accordingly and at one stage during a raid by Mian Noor Muhammad Kalhoro's army, Makhdoom Abdul Rehman was martyred along with his 222 followers.

Makhdoom Abdul Rehman was the comtemporary of Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehalvi (India), Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thatvi (Thatta), Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Zaman Lanwari, Makhdoom Muhammad Qaim, Makhdoom Ziauddin and Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. His father Sultan ul Mashaikh, Makhdoom Muhammad Bin Muhammad Aqil-I, was his primary teacher. There is an old mosque in the premises of Dargah Shaheed Abdul Rehman Khuhrrha.

[Source: Khairpur Jewel & Crown of Sindh by Momin Bullo | Coordinates: EFT]

Open in Google Map: 27.380789, 68.513407

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Makhdoom Abdul Rehman Shaheed, Khuhrrha Makhdoom Abdul Rehman Shaheed, Khuhrrha Makhdoom Abdul Rehman Shaheed, Khuhrrha

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