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Jamia Mosque, Piryaloe, Khairpur

The grand mosque of the town is stated to be 600 Hijri. This is located right in the middle of the town. A small plaque affixed on the 'mehrab' of the mosque contains the following inscription:

"This mosque was constructed with the collective donation of the local residents, collected by the Pesh Imam Haji Imam Bux on 12 Shahban, 1358 Hijri."

This is a 3 domed and very spacious mosque. During the course of its expansion many of its parts have been demolished and the alterations made in it have by and large tarnished its historic outlook.

[Source: Khairpur Jewel & Crown of Sindh by Momin Bullo | Coordinates: EFT]

Open in Google Map: 27.647359, 68.717898

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Jamia Mosque, Piryaloe Jamia Mosque, Piryaloe Jamia Mosque, Piryaloe Jamia Mosque, Piryaloe

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