The site of Markhian-Jo-Daro (MD) also known as Shah Noral Daro (hereafter it would be referred as Markhian-Jo-Daro). The site is named after the Markhia Community living around the site.
It is a very large site, measuring 291 meters in length, 245 meters in breath and about 6 feet high from the surrounding cultivated area.
The cultural material is scattered over the mound which clearly belongs to the Islamic period, it includes: plain and painted pottery, terracotta grinder for separating husk, terracotta animal figurine, gray ware sherds, iron pieces and red color sand stone. Painting in black in various designs, with painting on the rim of the pots is commonly found in the sites of Islamic period. The earlier collection from Markhan-Jo-Daro comprises of huge quantity of coins, both silver and copper, antimony rods, antimony container, hooks and a huge collection of semi-precious beads and stone objects. The site is occupied by recent graveyard. There are two small mounds on the eastern side of the graveyard which have been completely damaged by local people in search of antiquities.
ACCESSIBILITY: The Markhian-Jo-daro is located approximately 6.23 kms south-west of Seerani, Taluka Badin and District Badin.
[Source: CDC-EFT]
Open in Google Map: 24.4587003,68.7593896
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