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Leghari Nawabs Necropolis, Hyderabad

The ancient and private graveyard of royal families of Legharis of Bakhtiarpur and Khanpur and notables of Talpur family of Tando Jam, is situated behind the shrine of Hazrat Shah llyas Jeelani alias Jeay Shah, just 4 kms off in the east of Moosa Khatian. The entire graveyard is covered with thick jungle of thorny wild bushes, which has been ultimately converted into a wildlife sanctuary. However, hardly 10 to 12 carved stone graves in dilapidated condition could be spotted and documented. These clusters of graves are situated on the road edge, which passes across the graveyard. A marble stone grave within the cluster of carved stone graves was mound buried in the ground due to salinity and stagnant rain waters. Due to carelessness of the descendants of the deceased Nawabs and the landlords buried in the graveyard, this historical graveyard is at high risk of losing its very existence in the near future.

[Source: Hyderabad Revisited by Momin Bullo]

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Leghari Nawabs Necropolis Leghari Nawabs Necropolis Leghari Nawabs Necropolis Leghari Nawabs Necropolis Leghari Nawabs Necropolis Leghari Nawabs Necropolis

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